by admin | May 3, 2015 | Hair removal
Genetically or earned with time, most of the people suffers from one or other kind of
phobia, fear etc that can at times come out as big obstacles in you happy life. They can deny you of spending a simple and satisfied life by interfering your day to day activities and interrupting your happy time. Reports reveal that most of the
phobias and such fears occur for many lifetime incidents, any traumatic accident or any such event thus becomes a psychological problem and tough to solve. One can easily treat the physical problems and issues with medical treatment but to revive mind of such issues is really a big deal.
There can be different reasons behind such type of phobias in us that can occur from even the combination of our brain and genes. For this purpose, the treatment of Hypnotherapy comes handy. We all know that Hypnotherapy relates to the art of Hypnosis or Hypnotization that is a method of knowing or brining out secret and unknown facts about you and your fears. After decades of developments and practice, art of Hypnosis has come out like a solution or treatment for curing the different kind of fears and phobias from your mind by releasing them off in the procedure.
Hypnotherapy thus is a specialized and modernized art of treating different mental body issues through hypnotism. One can have those kinds of fears and phobias that their elders or parents, grandparents used to experience hence some fears are genetic, whereas few can come due to experience of any harsh or tragic incident live. The degree of treatment and these fears depends upon the level of fear in the person. It can range from mild to severe and in some cases extreme.
To increase the meaning of hypnotherapy then we are delighted to tell you that hypnotherapy is not only responsible for solving problems like fears and phobias but it also can solve problems like anxiety; panic attacks; fears and phobias; self-esteem and confidence; stress/burnout; relationship issues; weight control/food issues and the obvious smoking cessation, the list is really endless!
Yeah, scope of hypnotherapy is so wide that it comprises most of the mental problems solution under one roof. Other problems that are solved with the technique of Hypnotherapy are avoidance, feelings of powerlessness, sweating, and rapid heartbeat. Thereby, hypnosis is really a meaningful and much useful technique for making your life more cheerful and mind more relaxing.
Though it is not alone that only hypnotism can relieve you of all the pressures; there are natural treatments available to help people overcome their fears, including cognitive-behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy.
As the fears and such pressures etc are found deep down your mind or heart hence only the normal treatment cannot solve them. Reports reveals that around 90% of all adults are confined to experience or suffer a kind of fear or such problems mentally that contravenes their routine life in some way or the other. For some who knows their cause of fear or the event is remembered by them casing them the mental anxiety or stress and for those who does not know at all of exact root behind such feeling; Hypnotherapy comes as a boon to reveal the original cause and solution of such things.
A person is likely to release all pressures, thoughts, hidden fears and everything inside mind r heart during the process of hypnotherapy hence it becomes easy to point out the cause and take the proper action. During the process of hypnotism the hypnotherapist is able to replace all the negative memories and events with positive one by directing the person accordingly. Thus in this way it releases the fears and tensions plus repressed memories in a good way and happy ending.
The art of hypnotism is not known to all and that it is not a cup of tea of everyone. It is best in results if applied by a professional. The purpose of this therapy is to give peace to mind by reprogramming the subconscious mind to get rid of the negative associations. Also it does not have any kind of side effects or after effects that can cause you any kind of harm or danger. One can say that that Hypnotherapy is a fully safe and secure way of removing the negativity in your mind.
Unlike the medications and medical treatment that focus on visible effects only and does not relieve you of the fear or problem for longer period, Hypnotherapy removes these negativities permanently and swiftly from your head leaving a satisfying and happy experience for you.
For many this art serves big relief by taking out their extreme fears and tensions on the other hand for few it is an art of relaxing their mind from different stress and worries or anxieties from pressure.
by admin | Jan 4, 2014 | Beauty Treatments
The big day is only a week away; soon your partner will be expecting something special for her birthday. Any lady that says she doesn’t like to be pampered is most probably not telling the truth. So if you are planning to buy your sweetheart a gift voucher to spend on beauty treatment, you can’t really go too far wrong. There are a lot of companies on the net that offer a variety of services relating to body treatments including
pedicure and facial work. And for those men that wish to leave an even longer lasting impression on the girl of their dreams, buying her a precious stone band will definitely put you in the good books. But it’s not a good idea to get carried away with some of the misleading websites of the less reputable suppliers of designer jewellery. The sorts of companies providing diamond rings one should be considering purchasing from can offer more than good looking images of bands on their site. The most popular online businesses providing hand made multi-stone rings give their customers a dedicated and comprehensive service.

If you have a partner with a habit of popping to a beauty treatment centre once a week, it’s best to buy her a block of sessions. There are so many places on the net that offer professional massage sessions, it may be difficult to choose the right one. A good idea would be to ask around or check out the reviews written by an online company’s satisfied clients. Everybody likes to receive a present for their birthday no matter what they may say. Gentlemen that appreciate the fact that most ladies would be impressed by being given a ring made from platinum and precious stones have got it just right. And who could resist some of the wonderful designs of the modern designer band from one of the leaders in this industry? Diamond rings are quite simply one of the most popular items of jewellery available today. Whether the product you buy consists of a baguette cut precious stone or is of the princess variety, one can’t go wrong purchasing one of these for a partner.
Ladies that love nothing more than spending their Saturday mornings receiving beauty treatment would be well made up if they were given health centre gift vouchers for their birthday present. But let’s not forget that men also like a bit of pampering even if they don’t look like they do. Guys looking for the perfect precious stone band to present to their sweetheart for her birthday should choose an online provider very carefully. Although there are many suppliers of beautifully made items of jewellery, it takes a bit of patience to find a reliable company on the net. It’s also a good idea to find out what sort of styles of diamond rings the birthday girl prefers. One way of doing this is by going window shopping with your partner to a number of high street jewellery stores.
by admin | Dec 30, 2013 | Beauty Treatments
Cost Effective Beauty Investments
You refuse to get a full make-over because you fear that the bills will sky-rocket to as much as a thousand pounds to pay. As a result,

you are left behind from the latest beauty trends that most of your friends are already sporting. There is no more time to contemplate on what you really want; paying the salon a nice visit will do wonders in enhancing your inner and outer beauty. If you are a little tight on the budget, these tips will guide you to properly manage your beauty investments along with other pertinent finances:
Watch for big discounts and promos. Be on the lookout for posters and printed advertisements that declare huge slashes from the original prices of most salon services. If promos like this happen, packages are also made available to help you save some money. You may avail of a nice haircut, a soothing hair treatment and a full body massage that you can pay at an affordable and fixed rate. If you have made your mind, schedule an appointment right away. You would not want to wait for hours before you have your turn.
Avail services from trusted salons and beauty centres. Many reputable salons now have very expensive rates. However, you get what you pay for. You are assured that you are carefully handled by very safe hands that are well-trained. Professional beauty therapists usually know what is best for you, so asking for their opinion also matters. If you still choose to budget your expenses, you may avail of certain promos or ask for the dates when they can offer you big discounts.
Share your preferences. Avoid allowing your stylist or beautician to make all the decisions. Since you are the rightful owner your body, you should also share your preferences to them. Try to bring a photo of your desired cut, or a magazine with countless hairstyles to choose from. This allows you to practise your right of making individual decisions, although they can still give their ideas. This prevents necessary additional expenses that can be charged to your bill.
Always ask the name of the person attending to you. Who knows that by the time you come back, he or she can give you huge discounts? You may ask for appointment card or company brochures for future reference. Meanwhile, you might want to check the services that we offer at reasonable prices. We at Nadia’s Beauty have a comprehensive list of our beauty services with their corresponding rates and Cost Effective Beauty Investments.
IPL Hair Removal in Reading
Microdermabrasion in Reading
by admin | Dec 26, 2013 | Beauty Salons, Facials
Women have always wanted to look their best when going out for the evening and with the range of treatments that are available at salons nowadays, it has become easier to look younger and more attractive. Apart from the obvious attraction of looking good, it is nice to sit back and let someone else pamper your for a while. If you have an accident at work and find yourself with plenty of spare time then you could visit one of the beauty parlours in your area or, if you prefer, you can arrange for a beautician to visit you at home. Some people find this a more relaxing experience as they are in familiar surroundings and it is of course more convenient.
Work injury compensation is not there to help make you look beautiful but once you have received the money you can use it in any way that you like. There will be procedures at your place of work to cover the possibility of someone being injured but if you want to be sure that you are getting what you are due then using a solicitor to help with the claim can be a good idea. They will be experienced with all the documentation requirements and most likely have a good idea of the amount that you should receive. As long as your injuries are not too serious, a visit to a beauty salon for a facial or maybe just a manicure, will make you feel a lot better.
by admin | Dec 25, 2013 | Beauty Treatments
Doable Skincare Regimen for the Busy People
Oftentimes, having a hectic schedule at work can keep you from doing a lot of other things – most especially with taking care of how you look. However, despite the lack of time, the good news is that you can follow a skincare regimen that can fit into it all.
If this seemingly impossible idea intrigues you, read on and learn the craft yourself.
#1 Eat the right food.
As cliché as the quote “beauty comes from within” sounds, there is truth behind it. Indeed, many health experts have stated that the edibles we eat have direct effect son how healthy our skins can get. And though the debate rages on about which food groups have the most impact on this particular body part, a few items have been pointed out as vital sources of nutrients.
- Bilberry, blackberry, strawberry, cherry, blueberry, raspberry, crowberry, and black currant – So, what do these have in common? Well, they are all fruits that are known to have high contents of antioxidants, which keep the numbers of the ageing agent – free radicals – in check.
- Salmon, tuna, trout, milk, vegetable oil – Now, these are great sources of essential oils and fatty acids. And a healthy dose of such substances can help keep you looking fresh.
#2 Avoid getting a little too “sunny”.
With months of wet and wintry weather in the UK, it is natural for many people to want to embrace the sun every chance they get. But, as you expose yourself to the heat, always remember that too much sunlight can cause significant damage to your skin. Hence, wear sunscreen and sunglasses whenever stepping out into the sunny weather outside.
#3 Get ample amounts of exercise and rest.
When the body is in a lot of stress, this can weaken your entire system and, consequently, your appearance will indicate your state of health. Hence, to effectively handle the tension, follow a regular exercise regimen as well as maintain a healthy sleep programme.
#4 Exfoliate whenever you can.
To begin with, you should know that exfoliation is a beauty treatment that removes external layers of dead skin cells from the body and eliminates impurities (e.g. dirt and oil). Through this process, not only can you thoroughly clean the epidermis, you can also allow the passage of nourishment to the surface (which may have been formerly blocked by the accumulated dirt and dust on your pores.
Now when it comes to the last item on this list, you should take advantage of the services offered on this domain. Here, you will discover a trusted clinic in the UK that supplies beauty treatments for people on the go such as yourself.
Microdermabrasion in Reading
by admin | Dec 25, 2013 | Beauty Salons
Experiencing the trends of the modern world helps you deal with major issues that face you at home, work or school. To help you relax your mind and soothe your sense, you need to take a few hours off your busy routine to attend to your personal needs. It is good to mention that with the complexity of modern life, the art of beautification has also developed unique milestones to handle your preferences at any time of the day and at any given occasion. The beauty industry has indeed uplifted the personal requests of many customers regardless of many factors such gender, race or age.
Before, salons use all-natural or partially organic products that tend to reach their shelf lives easier. As years passed and more innovations were invented, preservatives are safely infused into these preparations that help manage hair, rejuvenate the skin and treat any other kind of beauty dilemma. Blow dryers were once very difficult to handle because of their bulky size and probable risk of exploding with overuse. Technology has answered this concern by creating digitally manipulated blow dryers that come in compact sizes. They have also included few features so that the heat intensity could be adjusted as needed. Hair strengtheners, hair curlers and other equipment with wires or batteries have gradually replaced the conventional methods that are usually associated with long hours of waiting. All these trends have improved the name and reputation of the beauty industry, making it a top choice among people who seek a lot of leisurely experiences. In return, it has received countless praises and numerable achievements in customer satisfaction.
If you want to make a crucial contribution to the beauty industry, do so by pampering yourself. If you think that you have played a big part on our side, you are actually doing yourself a favour because you make sure that you take utmost care with your most valuable asset—yourself. Continue this routine, and you will discover how the beauty industry has helped you feel glamorous in the inside and out. Pamper yourself by availing few of our beauty treatments. You can also schedule for an appointment for your own convenience. If you have queries, do not hesitate to contact us.
Facials in Reading
by admin | May 19, 2013 | Hair removal
We consider ourselves to be artists and when you see the results of our work, we’re confident you’ll agree with us. Whether it’s with regards to giving those nails the once over, or rejuvenating tired skin around the eyes, we are artists and some might say magicians, of the very finest variety. Beauty salons come in all manner of guises, but if you’re looking for an establishment in the Caversham area that’s all encompassing in every sense of the word, Nadia’s is certainly where you need to focus your attentions. We understand the nuances of the human body quite like no one else and when we perform our therapies we like to make sure we’re in tune with the needs of our much valued clients. Regardless of the skin type, we can perform facials that will leave you feeling like a million dollars. A combination of the finest products on the market and our unswerving attention to detail makes us the ultimate choice for all manner of beautification therapies and not only are our services one of a kind, but our pricing structure is also most agreeable. As a business our ethos is to deliver superior levels of service at prices that are ultra competitive, something we’re confident everyone will appreciate. Let us perform the skilful art of the, or entrust us with the task of performing a and you certainly won’t be disappointed. Nadia’s, turning beautification into a fine art of the highest order.
by admin | May 19, 2013 | Beauty Salons, Hair removal
Going on a girl’s night out in Reading? If you are you should certainly make sure you leave a bit of free time in your schedule to visit the dedicated team here at Nadia’s Our Reading Beauty Salons. Let us give your feet some special attention and you’ll be more than happy to reveal those toes and heels in a slinky pair of sling backs! And of course no self respecting fashionista would dream of heading out to the bar or restaurant without first having an all encompassing. From nail shaping to hand masks, beauty treatments are our whole raison d’être and you can trust us to perform every task in a most professional manner. Those cuticles and bikini lines deserve the attention of those who are dedicated to the art of beautification and in no uncertain terms, that’s us! Regardless of whether you want us to visit you in your Twyford residence or you want to enjoy the conviviality of our ambient studio, we aim to please. We specialise in a whole range of therapies and irrespective of whether you want to remove unwanted hair with sugaring or waxing, we have all the necessary expertise to ensure your body will be left feeling as smooth as silk. Of course, everyone’s make up is different, but regardless you can expect these methods of hair removal to last between 2 and 8 weeks. From under arm to eyebrows and from sugaring to, we’ve got everything covered, from head to toe.
by admin | May 19, 2013 | Hair removal
Everyone enjoys looking and feeling as good as a celebrity and whilst most of us will never get the chance to walk down the red carpet at the Oscar’s award ceremony, with facials courtesy of Nadia’s, you’ll look every inch the star. The intensive therapies we offer can tighten the skin around the cheeks and chin in no time, so you really can. After a pleasant couple of hours at Nadia’s you’ll be more than ready to reveal the ‘new you’ to your friends back in Woodley and it’s a guarantee that they’ll be impressed by what they see. A non surgical face lift can help to eradicate creases and wrinkles in a pain free fashion and from the moment the trained therapist begins the gentle cleanse, until the anti aging ingredients are applied to your skin, you’ll get the sense that you’re in the capable hands of the true professionals. And professionals is what we truly are, from soothing to pedicures to Fake Bake tanning, if it’s related to the genre of body therapy and beautification, you can rely on us to have the perfect solution. All of our products are designed to instil you with a new sense of confidence and a Brazilian wax certainly does that! If you want to wear a daring bikini on the beach this year, Nadia’s have just the thing to accompany those diminutive bikini bottoms. You can trust us implicitly in the genre of beautification.
by admin | May 19, 2013 | Hair removal
It’s often the case that your body feels weary right to its very core and if this applies to you, a is in order. Start with a full exfoliation and finish with a simply divine moisturiser and in no uncertain terms, you’ll feel invigorated and your skin will shimmer like that of the finest fresh water pearl. that offer a comprehensive list of therapies, like ours, are few and far between and if you’re in the Earley or Arborfield area and you fancy treating your body to something special, why not pop in and see us. Aside from our feet, it’s probably the face that suffers the most on a daily basis and if you’re not careful it’s very easy for your skin to start looking sallow and those dreaded ‘crow’s feet’ to appear without warning. But not to worry, as a quick visit to Nadia’s will soon have your face as looking as fresh as a spring daisy! From the team that offer the ultimate, comes intensive therapies which make use of natural and unique products like freeze dried seaweed. This natural algae mask has the ability to perform deep skin exfoliation and all those who’ve experienced it in the past agree that it left their skin feeling rejuvenated. And to go along with the ultimate skin therapy, perhaps you might want to think about partaking of a much vaunted Whichever therapy you choose, you’ll be left feeling smooth!